Thursday, November 8, 2012


This is the title of my book which is in process with Balboa Press. It will be out December/January, I am of course hoping for a Christmas launch.

Balboa is promising that it will be available on Amazon, offered to "Barnes and Noble" and numerous other bookstores. We will create a press release and I hope to make some waves with this.

Mary Magdalene's immense historical importance has been suppressed and ignored for more than a thousand years. It is time to separate the Biblical Jesus, the historical Jesus and the persona surrounded by dogmas by the Catholic church. They really are three very different entities and people have very different relationships with them.

Many are familiar with the Biblical Jesus and the stories in the New Testament. They are somewhat repeated four times, and are short with relatively little additional information about his life. The saviour presented by the Catholic Church is floating in a sea of concepts connected to symbols that have attached themselves to peoples DNA through the centuries of systematic insistence on their importance. Most of them are constructs to install a true fear of stepping outside the accepted realm of the church. It has been extraordinarily effective in creating good sheep instead of free thinking people encouraged to continue their own inquiry.

The historical Jesus is starting to take shape as he is uncovered from historical dust and intentional coverups. Many great authors have done some remarkable research and written great academic books that give a vivid picture of his time and culture. We are fleshing out the story, making Jesus a person who lived a life on Earth and changed history.

As we are finding the man who's teachings shaped Western civilization we are insisting on discovering more of his human side. Afterall, he lived a life as a human among other human beings, in a culture that was bustling with political strife, bombarded with influences from all the different nations within the Roman empire and with his own struggles to define his role in a religious world in turmoil. What makes me stand in awe at this process we are tumbling our way through, as we separate what is belief and what is more likely historically true, we are somehow managing to allow his humanity and his divinity to coexist. Yes, he was human in his life among us, but he was also extremely conscious of his divine side and in close connection with God, angels and the unseen forces that guide our lives.

And as we are defining Jesus as both human and divine, we are finding our own divinity. We are also both human and divine. This is becoming a more conscious thought among us and expanding our view of ourselves. And like Jesus said; we can achieve the same state of consciousness as him. We might still have to recognize our shortcomings and in all humility take an inventory of ourselves, and then set out to do some serious inner work. But by finding His human side, we are finding our own divine spark.

The greeting of Namaste is such a beautiful way of recognizing our fellow citizens of this planet. The true meaning of the greeting is; "The spark of God within me recognizes the spark of God within you." If we all could greet eachother with this in mind, there would be PEACE on earth.